Sateesh Vegnesa of ‘Dongala Bandi’ fame is directing a new film titled ‘Kulu Manali’. The film has recently completed its shooting formalities and currently in post-production stages. Sashank, Krishnudu, Archana, Reetu Kaur, Sameeksha and Vimala Raman are playing lead roles in the film. Boppana Chandra Sekhar is producing the movie under Jahnavi Productions banner.
The makers are planning to release the film in February. ‘Kulu Manali’ is touted to be a suspense thriller with commercial elements. The audio of the film will hit the stands in January. Ramajogayya Sastry and Bhaskarabhatla penned lyrics for the songs of this movie. Sri Vasanth has scored music for this film.
According to its makers, the film came out really well and has the potential to become a hit at box-office for its versatile storyline.