The movie adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s acclaimed novel ‘2 States’ is all set to release on April 18 next year.
Author Chetan Bhagat, who has also penned the screenplay for the movie, shared the news through Twitter.
“2 States, the movie, will release on April 18, 2014. Long wait. Hopefully, well worth it!” posted Chetan Bhagat on his Twitter page.
‘2 States’ is directed by Sreerag Nambiar and produced by Karan Johar.
The movie stars Arjun Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in lead roles. The actors are currently busy shooting for the movie in Ahmedabad.
‘2 States’ is a love story of a Punjabi boy who falls in love with a Tamil girl and the film revolves around the cultural clash they and their families encounter.