Prashan Jha to make a movie inspired by Anna Hazare

Added by harini on Aug 25, 2011
Amitabh Bachchan and Prakash Jha
Amitabh Bachchan and Prakash Jha

If you thought that the whole Aarakshan experience might have put off Prakash Jha from making politically inspired movies, then think again.

Now Prakash Jha is planning to make a movie named ‘Satyagraha’ which is inspired by Anna Hazera’s peaceful protest against corruption. What’s more is that Amitabh Bachchan will be playing a character similar to Anna Hazera.

"I am at the moment working on the script of Satyagraha. It is about peaceful protest, though not on a pan India level. The cast is yet to be finalised, but Bachchan saab will be in the film,” Prakash Jha confirms.

Even though the movie is inspired by Anna Hazare movement, there will be a huge difference in the story line.

"The upsurge of mass protest against corruption that Anna Hazare has generated is indeed unprecedented and remarkable. However, what bothers me is that only one opinion is prevailing in this movement towards eradicating corruption, and that could damage the whole noble purpose of the protest. It is the Lok Pal bill the way Anna Hazare saab wills it to be, or not at all. There has to be a less hardline approach to a matter as deep-rooted as corruption. Also, the fight against corruption should be more focused and specific in its motivation. For instance, why not start by simply campaigning against anyone giving or taking a bribe?” says director Prakash Jha.

And also instead to making it a national moment, Jha says the protagonist will take on corruption in state level.

"Isn't that the way my films and protagonists always are? I think it's important for any movement to be rooted to a specific population. It's the only way it can be effective," says Jha.

The movie is all set to go on floors in January next year.

Given all the trouble that movie Aarakshan got into due to its bold subject of reservation system, wonder how this will fare.

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