Vivek Oberoi won't appologize to Salman anymore

Added by harini on Dec 09, 2011

Just when Vivek Oberoi’s career was going well, he did the mistake (?) of getting into the bad books of Salman Khan.

Vivek Oberoi confronted Salman Khan at a press conference in 2003, talking about the alleged SMSes and the harassment over his former girlfriend. Little did Vivek Oberoi know that this single incident would haunt him and his career for rest of his life.

Even though Salman Khan and the girlfriend in question both have moved on, it’s Vivek Oberoi who still bares the brunt of the event.

Over the years, Vivek has tried apologizing to Salman Khan over and over again including public events but Salman Khan seems to be in no mood to forgive Vivek. Vivek has finally had enough of this and has decided not to apologize to Salman Khan again.

“Vivek is not going to apologize to Salman only to be cold shouldered or humiliated by him,” said a source to a daily.

“This is true. Vivek will not apologize to Salman anymore. He has done it many times in the past. Enough is enough. This far and no further,” confirmed Vivek’s close friend.

When contacted, Vivek’s father Suresh Oberoi said, “I do not wish to comment on it.”

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