The movie ‘Cocktail’ starring Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone and Diana Penty is all set to release on July 13th. But Director Homi Adajania revealed that if everything had gone as planned initially, Saif Ali Khan wouldn’t have been in the movie and we would have been Imran Khan in the lead role.
“Saif was not the first choice. Imran was supposed to do it but he was not sure if he wanted to do it at that point of a time,” said the director to IANS.
But as Saif Ali Khan is producing the movie under his Illuminati banner he read the script of the movie and loved it so much that he himself wanted to play the male lead.
“As Saif is the producer, he was going through the scripts; he read it and loved it. So, it worked out pretty well and that is how he came on board,” the director said.
This is the second time that Homi Adajania is working with Saif Ali Khan, as he made his debut as a director with dark movie ‘Being Cyrus’, which starred Saif Ali Khan in the lead role.
The director has also roped in Boman Irani and Dimple Kapadia, who were a part of ‘Being Cyrus’ too, to play pivotal roles in ‘Cocktail’.
“Dimple and Boman are also there in the film and it is not like they were in `Being Cyrus` so are part of this film as well. It is not a matter of familiarity but using talented actors who fit the bill,” he concluded.