'Immortals of Meluha' movie adaptation is a game-changer: Karan Johar

Added by harini on Dec 29, 2012

The cover of the eagerly anticipated third book ‘Oath of the Vayuputras’ of ‘Shiva’ trilogy by Amish Tirupati was unveiled on Thursday by filmmaker Karan Johar.

Karan Johar, who is making a movie adaption of the first book ‘Immortals of Meluha’ of the series, said that this movie will be a game changer for Dharma Productions.

“For me, it is not just another film. I would say it would be a game-changer for Dharma Productions,” said Karan Johar to IANS during the launch.

The director admitted that finalizing cast and crew for the project will be a very tough task.

“Internally, we have gone through the processes of really finding out exactly who the perfect team would be to write the script, because adapting this book is really a daunting task and (so is) putting it out on the celluloid," he said.

“It is not a film that you can commission to a writer and it will be ready in two or three months... you will get a first draft and second draft. It will probably be the greatest challenge that Dharma Productions has ever taken on,” he added.

When asked what his Meluha, his perfect land, was the filmmaker said, “Every movie I make becomes my Meluha because to me, every film is therapeutic. Every film, I would say... it becomes a life at that point of time. So, we create a Meluha every time we put our vision on celluloid, and I think that would be any filmmaker's answer.”

It’s been rumored that Karan Johar is keen on Hrithik Roshan playing the role of Shiva in the movie.

After the immense success of the first book ‘Immortals of Meluha’ and second ‘Secret of Nagas’, the third book ‘Oath of the Vayuputras’ will hit stands in March 2013.

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