Filmmaker Rajkumar Gupta, who is working for the second time with actress Vidya Balan in his upcoming comedy movie ‘Ghanchakkar’ after working with her in ‘No One Killed Jessica’, said that it was a pleasure to work with Vidya Balan and that Vidya was ‘very professional’.
“Vidya is very professional and it's always a pleasure to work with her. She finished her shooting before going for her marriage. So we are done with her shoot,” said Rajkumar Gupta to IANS.
Vidya Balan tied the knot with her long time beau and UTV CEO Siddharth Roy Kapoor on December 16.
The director said that there was only 20 percent of the film left and they would begin the second schedule by mid-January.
“We finished the first schedule of 'Ghanchakkar' in Chembur (in Mumbai). Now we will start the second schedule by mid of January. The second schedule will be shot at various locations in Mumbai. We are just left with 20 percent of shooting,” he said.
‘Ghanchakkar’ also stars Vidya Balan’s ‘The Dirty Picture’ co-star Emraan Hashmi, as an ex-conman.
This is Vidya Balan’s first comedy film.
The film is all set to release on June 21.