Huma Qureshi to play Meena Kumari in biopic

Added by harini on Oct 03, 2013

Director Karan Razdan, known for his movies ‘Bhatti On Chutti’ and ‘Mittal Vs Mittal’, is planning on making a biopic on life of Bollywood’s tragedy queen Meena Kumari.

The director is thinking of casting actress Huma Qureshi in the role of Meena Kumari in the biopic.

Legendary actress Meena Kumari coveted for her beauty and acting skills earned the name ‘Tragedy Queen’ for portrayal of sad roles in movies like ‘Daera’ and ‘Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam’.  The actress’s personal life was also filled with pain and sorrow and the actress died of liver cirrhosis at age of 39 in 1972.

Karan Razdan said that he has completed penning the biopic.

“I have spent about four years to do the research and write the script. We have just finished the script and we will start shooting from early next year," Razdan said to IANS.

The director revealed that he would be approaching Huma Qureshi soon with the script.

“Meena Kumari's life and her journey has been very fascinating. We want someone who could justify her role and I think Huma Quereshi will fit the bill. I want to cast her for the biopic. We have not approached her so far, but my team will be talking to her soon,” the director said.

The director is also happy with the response his book ‘Tantra and Tantrika’ has been receiving.

“It's a very informative book about art and science. It's a fictional book,” he concluded.

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