Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai has taken a new initiative and has preserved her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan’s stem cells at Life Cell, a biotechnology company.
The actress has urged families and friends to gift this beautiful gift to expecting parents as the process of banking a baby's stem cell has been made a lot cheaper by the company.
“Families and friends can come together to make this gift possible in a parent's life. We traditionally buy so many things for expecting parents," the 39-year-old said here at the launch of the initiative on Monday.
"So family and friends can come together to pursue this possibility in expectant parents lives and make that the perfect gift for the child coming into this life," she added.
Aishwarya Rai revealed that she and her husband had decided to do stem cell preservation for their daughter even before she was born.
“I had always banked that thought even before I got married. At that point of time we were contacted by a lot of companies and closer to the date we interacted extensively with Life Cell. Once were convinced we went ahead with the decision to bank with Life Cell," Aishwarya said.
The actress insisted and urged that people start taking up this initiative for the benefit of their kids.
“To those who can afford it, we really look at a lot of expenses. A lot of indulgences are so easily spent upon that somehow this thereby seems like a sensible investment,” Aishwarya Rai concluded.